NASP delegates and student leaders serve as a connection between NASP and school psychologists practicing in diverse roles in their states. State Delegates promote NASP’s professional positions and priority goals at the state level and utilize their understanding of state issues to guide NASP’s strategic direction. |
May 2024
We're in the final stretch of the school year - the bottom of the ninth for most of you! I hope it goes smoothly for all of you!
As you know, NASP has three Strategic Goals (listed below), and I've bulleted the activities that were worked on this school year and some things to come.
Workforce Shortages
* A small task force, led by professors from Idaho State University's school psychology graduate program, recently applied for the Mental Health Service Professional Demonstration Grant Program. This program provides grants to support and demonstrate innovative partnerships between Institutes of Higher Education (IHE) and local education agencies (LEAs) to train school-based mental health service providers for employment. The grant aims to address challenges facing districts and schools across the country related to an insufficient supply of school-based mental health providers to meet student needs (MHSP One-Pager FINAL.pdf). We hope to hear back soon whether our application has been accepted. This will hopefully assist/support Idaho in recruiting and retaining school psychologists in high-need schools/districts.
* The ISPA GPR Committee and I worked with one of our state representatives in drafting legislation to support Idaho school psychologists in an Interstate Compact Agreement - The school counselors recently passed similar legislation for Idaho school counselors, so we are hopefully we'll be able to do the same during our next legislative session. An interstate compact creates a constitutionally authorized contract that enables professionals in good standing to practice in all states that join the compact. Such compacts generally authorize both in-person and telehealth services in other states that join the compact by simply holding a valid license or certification in one's home state. Drivers' licenses represent a good example of an interstate compact. One obtains a driver's license in their home state, and this enables that individual to drive in any other state. The interstate compact eliminates the need to seek a license in each state they plan to enter; however, all drivers must still observe and follow the laws and rules of the state they drive in. An interstate compact for school psychologists would work in a similar way. Here's a link to the NASP website with more information:
* A few of our members, including our two NASP Student Representatives, presented NASP's Exposure Project to universities/colleges and high schools across our state. This presentation is a great way to connect to undergraduates and high school students and share what we do. It's a great recruiting tool! There's still time in the school year to give this presentation as school winds down for the year.
* ISPA signed on with hundreds of other organizations from across the U.S. in encouraging our U.S. Legislators in providing $250M for the FY2025 appropriations bill towards providing investments to two critical grant programs - Mental Health Service Professional Demonstration (MHSP) Grant and the School-Based Mental Health Services(SBMH)- file:///C:/Users/frits/Downloads/Mental%20Health%20Demonstration%20and%20Personnel%20Grants_%20Community%20Letter%20FY25%20FINAL%20(1).pdf
Social Justice
* A dozen school psychologists from across the state participated in NASP's National Book Read over the course of this school year by reading Disability Visibility: First-Person Stories from the Twenty-First Century (edited by Alice Wong). This book was filled with thought-provoking essays by individuals who are often underrepresented in the media and popular culture. Great discussions by our group were had in how we can provide a voice for those who may not have a voice and to walk along side those who need our support. If you have the opportunity to read this amazing book, I hope you give it a chance.
Practice Model
* Practice Model Push Project, "It's What We Do!" Promoting and raising awareness of the NASP Practice Model as well as advocating for our profession. PowerPoint presentation that is editable for various audiences (school boards, P/T organizations, etc.) and time limits. Another option to help you in your communication, specifically with school boards, would be to use the provided slide deck from a presentation done to the Idaho School Board Association (ISBA) in 2021 (
* NASP also hopes to promote the Excellence in School Psychological Services (ESPS) Recognition Program Please let me know if your school district is interested in apply for this! It's a great tool to see where you are in providing all around services to your students.
* A small advocacy task force is being started between ISPA, the Idaho School Counselors Association (ISCA) and the School Social Workers Association of Idaho (SSWAI). We are hoping to collaborate with one another, other than just our Stronger Together annual conference, to further our profession and our abilities to do all that we are trained to do. The goal of this group is to work together in advocating for all school-based mental health professionals within our state, which in turn is advocating for our students. We hope to have a session available to all who are interested during our October conference.
Lastly, mark your calendars for two worthwhile conferences!! First, will be the 2024 Stronger Together: Uniting for Change conference at Boise State University on October 2nd, for pre-conference workshops/trainings, and October 3rd through 4th for the conference (2024 ISTC Updated Save the Date 5.3.24.pdf)! We have lined up some awesome keynote speakers - NASP's very own Shawna Rader-Kelly, President-Elect will be one of them - and other amazing presenters! Second, NASP's Annual Convention will be in Seattle, WA next February 18th through the 21st!!! I hope to see you there!! Be sure to renew or join both of these organizations as we work together at advancing our profession!
I hope you have an amazing summer with family and friends and come back to the new school year relaxed and rested!
Take care of yourself!